Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Myth of Teaching

Today was the first official day of summer.

Yes I have a few more days to work, but the kids are gone! Some of you are reading this and are insanely jealous of me right now. "I wish I had three months off," is what is going on in many of your minds right now. It is important at this point to establish two facts:
  1. It's not three months, it's more like two.
  2. I will spend it sleeping.
It is a sad truth that teachers tend to hibernate the first few weeks of summer. We have been ridden hard since Spring Break and we need a break. There have been end of grade tests, end of course tests, proms, graduations, arrests, uhh...did I mention graduations?

And besides, its not like I am not doing anything. I am still writing this blog and my other assignments. I have a few conferences to attend and there's academic team practice for next year's team. Plus I have to look for a new day job.

Kidding. Put the knife down and step away from it mother.

The point I'm trying to make here is this: I have put in the hours to make up for the two months I have "off." I have spent many a night until midnight or later planning lessons that my kids will sleep through the next day. I have wasted countless weekends preparing worksheets that will be left on my floor at the end of class. I have missed my children's milestones in life to talk to a stoned mother about her stoned child. OK, I made that last part up.

I've never missed a milestone.

So, when you get up in the morning next week and have to fight traffic and idiots in that morning commute to a stuff cubical, in a stuffy office, wearing your stuffy clothes, rest assured that I have already put in that time on Oct 17. I've been ahead of you the whole time. Now we're even.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to enter my cave...

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